About Us

Creative Directors

TJ Walthall

Group Creative Director, Job Seeker

TJ is a Group Creative Director leading all of the Job Seeker-focused creative efforts from the Indeed Creative team. TJ is a Texas native, but spent most of his career working across the world on integrated marketing campaigns for global brands at agencies like Ogilvy, BBDO, 72andSunny, Wieden + Kennedy, and R/GA.

TJ has helped launch and develop campaigns for global brands including Nike, IBM, Beats by Dre, Mercedes, Samsung, Coke, and Google. 

TJ is most excited about creative work that earns attention through innovation.

Javier Torok

Group Creative Director, Employer

Javier is a Group Creative Director leading all Employer-focused creative efforts from the Indeed Creative team. He was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina and was raised in Miami, Florida. Javier studied film and photography at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California.

Javier started his career in advertising at R/GA NY, later making his way to Crispin Porter + Bogusky and Goodby, Silverstein and Partners, where he created award-winning campaigns for brands like Burger King, Chevrolet, and Comcast.

Javier is most interested in solving business problems using creativity.