Job Search Academy

Get-a-job school? It’s more fun than it sounds

Indeed had a unique opportunity to partner with the San Antonio Spurs to help people sharpen their job search skills. Using a hyper-local approach, the Spurs connected Indeed with on-the-ground career services organizations in the San Antonio area and beyond. As part of the partnership, Indeed advertised the Job Seeker Academy via the Spurs social media presence and within the arena. The Job Seeker Academy featured a series of webinars with topics including resume writing, interview advice, negotiating pay, and more. To sweeten the deal, job seekers only needed to attend one webinar for a chance to get tickets to a Spurs game. (Our own David Ruiz may have gone to a few games too. No word on whether he attended the seminars.)

Credit where it’s due:

Group Creative Director: TJ Walthall
Creative Direction: Miles Gilbert
Design: John Bosco, Cate Jarret, Ryan Sawyer, Ginamarie Ivy
Copy: Evan Neuhoff, Danny Scheyer
Production: David Ruiz
Account: Mandy Atkinson, Laura McGarity


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