Enterprise TV

A global spot that has to satisfy the needs of every enterprise market on Earth is a tall order, but Indeed always finds a way. From first script to finished spot, approximately one trillion people gave some kind of feedback or raised some kind of issue, from not making the setting too specific, or the company too specific, or names too specific, or making anything too specific.

Out of that vast matrix of requirements the team created a fun and refreshing spot with a great cast (including some people you might recognize) to highlight the power of Indeed and Glassdoor to help companies share their brand and attract the right job seekers.

Global. But also personal.

Credit where it’s due:

Creative Direction: Russell Lambrecht, James Cheung, Carlos Estrada
Design: Jay Workman
Copy: Harumi Rangel Nishimura
Production: Ashley Formaneck, Alifya Ali
Account: Brittany Hammer, Christopher McNiell, Ken Bracht, Natasha Morgan


Spanish TV


Airport OOH