Allyship Recovery

Millions of people in the United States deal with addiction, yet it’s often approached as a taboo topic, especially in the context of work. For the Allyship Recovery campaign, Indeed faced the issue head on, with a sensitive, accurate spot highlighting recovery at work, as well as a Career Guide article and other resources. All of the work was done in close collaboration with Indeed’s Recovery Affinity Group, who also came up with the tagline for the video. The campaign has been well-received, including a writeup in the Wall Street Journal.

If you are seeking help with your recovery or are an ally to someone in recovery, you are invited to join the #affinity-recovery-at-indeed Slack channel.

Credit where it’s due:

Group Creative Director: TJ Walthall
Creative Direction: Dylan Berg, James Hoke, Tiffani Lundeen
Production: Khrisana Edwards, Kate Eads


Wall Street Journal Untapped Talent


Ready to Work