Careers in Care

People who take care of others deserve to be taken care of too

Caring professions such as nursing, therapy, and phlebotomy are facing recruiting and retention issues, leading to serious shortages. The Indeed team wanted to highlight the passion and determination of healthcare workers to communicate what’s great about the various fields as well as share firsthand knowledge to help new workers navigate field-specific challenges. The campaign features a landing page, an anthem spot, and four videos spotlighting individual healthcare professionals.

Credit where it’s due:

Group Creative Director: TJ Walthall
Creative Direction: Miles Gilbert
Design: Ginamarie Ivy, John Bosco
Copy: Nairuti Desai, Evan Neuhoff, Colin Gray
Video: Zach Honea, Whitney Angstadt, Don Swaymos
Production: Nate Eggers, David Ruiz, Laura McGarity, Jessica Wolfson, Jen Sylva, Kate Eads



